Atlanta will host the FBLA National Leadership Conference (FBLA NLC) this summer. Business, Finance, and Computer Science students across our nation compete in more than 50 events at the local, regional, and state levels to determine who will represent each state at our National Leadership Conference in June. Students in grades 6-12 will compete in a variety of events to earn the distinction of being deemed the best in the nation. These are impressive young people, and we're excited to welcome them!
The organization rotates this conference around the nation, and Georgia is hosting this year, June 27-30 at the Georgia World Congress Center.
As a member of the CTAE Advisory Board for DeKalb County, I received an invitation from the state to volunteer at the event. In partnership with the Georgia Department of Education and DeKalb County, I think it's a great opportunity for members of my team at Georgia Power as well as other business local leaders. So far, we have several more people signed up to be judges and coordinators at the conference.
This video explains more about what the students will be doing over this exciting three days. They're coming to this conference to discuss and learn about business leadership skills and engage through some leadership events. Through those events, students will have an opportunity to learn more about leadership on the next level. So first college, and also leading as business professionals.
I'm excited to see young people from across the nation have an opportunity to see how we do it here in Georgia. Maybe we'll even attract some future leaders! Maybe there's a kid on the West Coast that hasn't thought about Georgia, but we could attract them through colleges or local companies. And to that same thought, we'll be connecting the dots between my local school partners and sharing these opportunities. Maybe some kids in our metro region will show up and get more engaged in developing their leadership skills.
On a day-to-day in DeKalb County, my job is to partner directly with pre-K through 12th grade teachers to deliver STEM and reading literacy activities, and also expose children to ways to be more energy efficient around the house and then expose them to the careers of the future. All of this aligns with Georgia State Learning standards. I'm excited to support the CTAE Board and spread the word about FBLA - We hope you'll decide to join us and contribute to these amazing future leaders.
For more information on volunteering, go to
Workforce Development in Gilmer Co., GA
Jan 21, 2022