For 20 consecutive years, we've not only appeared on Site Selection's list of Top Utilities in Economic Development , we've also earned a spot in the top ten. That's more than any other utility in the country. During that time, how we grow communities and create jobs has evolved, yet at no point has Georgia Power wavered from our mission to grow our home state. Just the opposite - our team has taken on new challenges and created new ways to help our state thrive. Alongside our partners, we're creating the future of economic development.
From Site Selection's press release:
Top Utilities in Economic Development
Also featured in the September issue are Site Selection's annual rankings of Top U.S. Utilities in Economic Development (see list below), based on analysis of corporate end-user project activity in 2017 in that company’s territory (from Conway Projects Database and submitted materials from utilities). In addition to examining facility investment project totals and calculating those projects’ jobs and capital investment numbers on a cumulative and per-capita basis, we also looked at website tools and data; innovative programs and incentives for business, including energy efficiency and renewable energy programs; and the utility’s own job-creating infrastructure and facility investment trends.
“Every year, the Top Utilities excel at wearing many hats, from reliable power provision to helping out with storm recovery, modernizing their grids and connecting people as well as they connect power lines,” says Managing Editor Adam Bruns of the rankings Site Selection has published since 1999.
In addition to an array of state and regional spotlights, industry reports and Investment Profiles, the new issue of Site Selection includes the magazine's annual Infrastructure Report (featuring the new Global Groundwork Index in collaboration with CG/LA); insights into transit, logistics and the eds & meds sector; the Albuquerque Intelligence Report; and a UK spotlight.
Site Selection magazine, published by Conway Inc., delivers expansion planning information to 45,000 executives of fast-growing firms. The senior publication in the development field, Site Selection and its affiliated e-newsletters are also available via Site Selection Online. Headquartered in Atlanta, Ga., Conway since 1954 has been a trusted advisor to corporations, government economic development and investment promotion agencies around the world. Conway owns and manages Conway Events; Berlin-based FDI consultancy Conway Advisory; and New York-based Conway PR & Marketing. Conway also manages the Industrial Asset Management Council. Conway also operates a Custom Publishing Division and employs over 80 people in 10 offices in seven countries.
2018 Top Utilities In Economic Development (alphabetical order)
- American Electric Power
- ComEd – An Exelon Company
- Duke Energy
- Entergy
- Georgia Power
- LG&E/Kentucky Utilities (PPL)
- Omaha Public Power District
- PECO – An Exelon Compoany
- South Carolina Power Team
- Tennessee Valley Authority
2018 Honorable Mention Utilities In Economic Development
- Alabama Power Company
- CenterPoint Energy
- Consumers Energy Company
- Dominion Energy
- FirstEnergy Corp.
- Florida Power & Light Company
- Hoosier Energy
- Kansas City Power & Light
- Portland General Electric
- PowerSouth
physical spaces in Georgia
Jul 13, 2018