"Aviation is in our DNA here in Middle Georgia. We're creating a one-stop shop for our aerospace prospects, and I think we're well on our way to realizing our full potential."
- Dwight Jones, MBCIA

Aerospace-Related Workers
EMSI 2021.2Q

Jobs Created by Locations & Expansions
GPC C&ED 2021

MROs: A Home in Macon
Recent announcements of new locations from Dean Baldwin Painting and MHI (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) RJ Aviation Group are just further indications that the MRO (maintenance, repair, overhaul) industry in Georgia, is just reaching cruising altitude. These locations join Embraer at the Middle Georgia Regional Airport, which is anchored by Central Georgia Technical College and Robins North, both providing hands-on training for students entering the aviation workforce. This alignment of workforce, industry, and community didn't happen by accident - it took years of partnership, planning, and the heart of a Georgia town with two great loves - music and airplanes.
Stephen Adams, executive director of the Macon-Bibb Industrial Authority (MBCIA) is proud of the growth of the airport over the last few years. "We have seen all the aspects, and all the tools that you need to be successful in MRO, come to the Middle Georgia Regional Airport, whether that's training, paint, overhaul. We also have a training program, Robins North, where the technical college is working closely with the air force base to provide real-world experience. We have all the necessary ingredients for companies to be successful."

A Local Community's Team Effort
Partnership is the special ingredient that propels the MRO industry in Georgia's central region. Key players like Stephen, along with Georgia Power's Mickey Daniell, MBCIA Chairman Robby Fountain, Airport Manager Doug Faour, MBCIA's Dwight Jones, Central Georgia Technical College President Dr. Ivan Allen, and Retired Brigadier General John Kubinec, Former Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex Commander, have a mutual respect for one another and the region. "I was born and raised in Macon, like many of the passionate people who live and work here. And it has been amazing, especially over the last few years, to watch Macon become what we all know it can be. We have always seen the potential and now we're seeing that potential realized. Over the last five years, we've seen over$ 1.4 billion of new private investments from companies all around the world. That's two and a half million square feet of new construction and 2,500 new jobs", says Adams.

"Mickey Daniell (pictured) is a major resource. Any time we need something, whether it's workforce data, whether there's a street light out, whatever it may be, Mickey is there, and really there, on behalf of Georgia Power to make sure that we are able to provide the resources for our existing industry and those that are looking into moving here." - Stephen Adams, Executive Director, MBCIA

Dean Baldwin Announcement
Barbara Baldwin is the CEO, CFO, and owner of Dean Baldwin Painting Company, a 57-year-old aircraft strip and paint company with operations in five states. This female, minority-owned business decided to expand into Macon when their other facilities were near capacity. "Knowing that we needed more space, we started searching for a site. And we decided on Macon, Georgia. Like they say in real estate, location, location, location. Lots of airlines go up and down the East Coast. You have Atlanta very close by with major airline hubs. After meeting with Macon-Bibb officials, like Dwight Jones, Stephen Adams about weather, population, cost of living, all of the above - we knew that Macon would be the best location for us," says Baldwin. "Everyone contributed to a very welcome and partnership and which has continued. Macon-Bibb county continually stays in touch, and offers assistance in our hiring and training. It's so important for businesses to succeed - when a community opens the doors, and then we go from there."
MHI RJ Aviation Group Announcement
MHI RJ Aviation Group found their new home at the Middle Georgia Regional Airport for many of the same reasons. Ismail Mokabel, Senior Vice President and Head of Aftermarket at MHIRJ, says, "Macon was an ideal location for us. It is a new investment for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries RJ Aviation Group. It's our first investment in the state of Georgia. And we chose Macon because of the aerospace cluster. Macon is very strategically located between Atlanta, where we have Delta, the biggest airline in the world, Columbus with their Pratt & Whitney presence, and of course Savannah with Gulf Stream, creating a nice triangle of aerospace community that we wanted to strategically position ourselves within. It's a huge plus to be able to tap into the labor pool that is available in Georgia, from an aerospace perspective."

Ross Mitchell, Vice President, Corporate Shared Services adds, "We've certainly had a warm welcome in Macon-Bibb county and the officials in Macon-Bibb county. And the officials in Macon-Bibb county have been very helpful for us. We are now recruiting in the service center so that we can open up in April. Frankly, the support we've received from local officials has been terrific and really made the pace of this project a reality."
The new facility will add around 200 jobs in the local community at full capacity, for which MHIRJ will kickstart the hiring efforts immediately. “Our key priority now is hiring talented technicians and support staff to join the MHIRJ team.” added Ismail.

Economic Development Education
Jan 24, 2022