Foreign-owned Companies
Employees of Foreign Companies
Our research team has always been committed to providing accurate and in-depth data to our communities and partners in order to support Georgia projects, large and small. We've recently broadened accessibility to that data by developing several new self-service tools. When we posed the question to our partners about how to improve on our services, we saw the need to create self-service tools, and our Data Scientist, Mike Mainzer’s unique skillset allowed us to do just that. We're excited to roll out and promote what we’ve built.
All the different tools are built from an efficiency standpoint. Each one is automated, with APIs built in, so with a click of a few buttons, you can produce a polished report with your requested information. We'll be highlighting all the tools in the coming weeks, but first up, we're going to spotlight International Companies.
International Companies Self-Service Data Tool
Our international companies list has been a valuable resource for years. Partners on the community side often ask about the specific demographics for their region. Communities want to know more about where their companies are from, so they can connect better with them, support expansions and new locations, as well as assess any cultural needs and inclusivity. Mike took an existing tool we built, made it pull data for the entire state, and improved the user experience and reporting. The tool also incorporates ACS foreign-born population data that matches the international region being searched.
The International Companies tool, along with the others, allows users to dig into data that we already have access to and gives them the ability to customize searches by any geography they're looking for. It's essentially providing the public with easier access to data that is typically difficult or time-consuming to find.
Here's a snapshot of what you'll find when you get started with your search:
Click here to access the International Companies tool.
Our team is always here to help! Click here to contact me directly, or use the sidebar links to find your Community Development Manager for additional support.
Economic Development Education
Jan 24, 2022