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SelectUSA Investment Summit Recap

Business Recruitment Director Lonnie Smallwood gives an overview of SelectUSA 2024

Q: What makes SelectUSA stand out compared to other trade shows?

A: So much of our marketing event travel tends to be single-industry, or single-market focused – especially when it comes to international investment. With SelectUSA, the real value proposition, is a chance to network with 5000 attendees, 96 international markets, and all 56 states and U.S. territories, at the same show. It's global speed-dating, with serious prospects, and that always makes it an exciting opportunity.

Lonnie Smallwood Headshot

Q: How valuable was your experience at SelectUSA this year?

A: SelectUSA has always been one of our more successful recruitment trips. We consistently return from the show with strong leads, and even fully-realized projects. In fact, several recent economic development location announcements in Georgia had beginnings at previous SelectUSA events. I expect this year will prove no different.

Q: Did you encounter any interesting new connections or stories this year?

A: Not a specific encounter or connection, per se, but the greater opportunity to tell the Georgia Power electric story to prospective businesses from around the world was certainly a highlight of the show for me. It’s no secret that clean, safe, reliable and affordable electricity is more important than ever to economic growth in 2024. And with modern industrial processes so dependent on electricity, companies are searching for locations with robust electric resources today, and balanced solutions for tomorrow.

Whether it’s the commissioning of Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4, the first new nuclear generation project in the US in more than 30 years, or the planned addition of nearly 10,000 MW of solar generation by 2035, it’s exciting to be part of a company providing electric resources and solutions for current and future residents and businesses in my home state. .

Q: How do partnerships play a role in your success at SelectUSA?

A: Partnership is in the DNA of Georgia economic development. It’s the key reason we’re the #1 State For Business ten years running. When marketing the state, Georgia Power always teams with the Georgia Department of Economic Development, local communities, educational institutions, and key private partners as a member of the Georgia Allies. Together, we plan and execute strategies to attract new business and investment to Georgia, and represent the full value proposition that is locating a business in our great state.

Q: What are you looking forward to in future SelectUSA events?

A: I'm really excited to see what comes out of this year’s show. We've identified several great leads and, if past Select USA events are any indication, there will be promising projects that could become the next big thing in Georgia. I'm definitely looking forward to doing this again next year.

Q: Did you notice any specific industry trends at this year’s event?

A: Over the past five years, the electric vehicle industry has conspicuously driven a large percentage of the economic development activity we’ve seen in the U.S., and subordinate to that, of course, has been the battery supply chain. More recently, however, as the technologies mature, the larger battery ecosystem has stepped to the forefront of recruitment efforts - not as an accessory to the EV movement, but as the vital component of the greater sustainable energy and clean tech revolution.

At SelectUSA alone, we fielded inquiries from companies involved in solid-state and lithium-ion technologies, battery material production, battery recycling, and manufacturers of battery energy storage systems (BESS) used for renewable generation optimization by electric utilities. It’s quite exciting to forecast what may be possible with this industry in the increasingly near-term.