As an FAA certified drone pilot and a member of the innovative team at Georgia Power Economic Development, I've seen firsthand the power of a bird's eye view. Our use of drone technology is a game-changer, allowing us to scope out potential sites without ever leaving the ground.
Drones have opened a whole new toolbox for capturing the world around us. From stunning visuals to precise mapping using Wingtra & DJI drones, they give us unparalleled insights in three keyways, pictures, video, and mapping. What’s the old adage? Oh yeah... a picture is worth a thousand words.
Video can help you tell a scripted story that highlights areas of interest that you want to convey to your audience. Mapping allows new imagery to be used within layouts to convey the current conditions on the ground. Google, BING, and ESRI all have a lag. Our drone operators can show up on-site and have new imagery and mapping data the next day that giving us a real-time look onto the site conditions the previous day. Whether you've cleared the site, built a pad, added a new road, improved your utility infrastructure our drones can capture the available assets of your community.
The benefits:
Time and Cost-Savings
When there isn't time for all decision-makers to visit potential sites, our drone mapping services provide a powerful alternative. When we combine our highly detailed drone video or imagery with customized site layouts, you'll experience an effective and efficient site tour. The best part? You can revisit your virtual tour as many times as you need, sharing insights with your team and making informed decisions.
Advanced Data Collection
With the use of our drones and mapping and CAD software, we're taking you on a virtual tour of your potential new locations. You'll see every detail – both big and small – from a perspective that was previously impossible. Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras can capture aerial images and videos of locations from various angles and heights. This comprehensive data collection provides a wealth of information, such as topography, water features, forested areas and buffers, nearby amenities, utility and transportation infrastructure, and the overall layout of the area being considered.
Partnering With Us
We've assisted communities with hundreds of conceptual layouts and with the help of our Economic Development team we can also help you fill them with employment opportunities. Whether you're a new business looking at Georgia for your next location, or an existing industry looking to expand, we can help you see the big picture. And once you see it from above, you'll see that the sky's not the limit anymore. Embrace the view from above. We're here to help.
Learn more at: https://www.selectgeorgia.com/services/engineering-solutions/
Economic Development Education
Jan 24, 2022