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"While we taught more than 125,000 students statewide last year, the addition of four new Learning Power educators allows us to teach even more students in Albany, Gainesville, Macon and Statesboro. Our new website gives us yet another way to reach students and help teachers develop engaging classroom content. For example, the Nuclear A/R App gives high school students a first-hand look into a nuclear power plant generation, technology and related careers – it’s like a virtual field trip.”

- Lisa Olens, Georgia Power’s Education Manager


Georgia Power’s signature Learning Power curriculum electrifies classrooms with engaging lessons on energy and energy efficiency. And with a newly expanded team of education coordinators, Learning Power will reach even more Georgia students – from PreK through high school – in 2020. Aligned with the Georgia Standards of Excellence in science and math, interactive labs and creative class activities amp up STEM learning and career exploration.

What can you expect during a Learning Power session? Bright faces illuminating the classroom, innovative energy and energy efficiency lessons…and a lot of questions! “All students are engaged! They are taking notes, asking questions, and participating in all aspects of the lesson,” notes Jackie Elder, a Physics Teacher with Cedar Shoals High School in Clarke County. “Learning Power has exactly what I need to keep my students interested in physics and motivate them to seek physics-related careers.”


In development are teacher training modules to help amplify STEM teaching techniques and tools. Noting energized conversations around student interests and career options, teachers give Learning Power high marks. Crystal Coleman, IB Coordinator and Science teacher at Lake Forest Hills Elementary in Richmond County shares, “Students are engaged in their learning and make connections to the real world by studying energy efficiency. They are exposed to exciting, new career opportunities and have their interests sparked by discussion of STEM content. And, students remember the Learning Power presentations from year to year!”

Cedar Shoals’ Ms. Elder continues, “It surprises me how some of my under-interested students respond during the Learning Power lesson. They are different during this magnetic lesson – more engaged, more interested, and excited about learning. Georgia Power brings a magic that I wish could stay in my classroom!”


Opening doors to opportunities, Learning Power challenges students to think about energy and their environment in new ways while increasing awareness of careers in the energy industry. A sixth grader from Dublin City Schools’ Irish Gifted Academy sums it up, “Learning Power is Georgia Power's way of teaching kids about conserving energy and about careers in energy. We learned about different energies like potential, thermal, mechanical, kinetic and geothermal energy. I experienced electricity and how it works, how it is distributed, how we can use solar energy to power different things…and someday change the world!”

700,000+ Learning Power students since 2011

98% of teachers surveyed rated Learning Power education coordinators at 9 or 10 on content knowledge

Visit for Pre-K through high school lesson plans, science and math supplemental resources